This post has been updated in 2020 to reflect the latest industry statistics on cyber attacks Cyber attacks are on the rise and, according to cybersecurity expert Andy Swenson, small to mid-sized organizations are huge targets. And, during a worldwide crisis like the...
3 Steps to Strengthen Your eCommerce Infrastructure
When it comes to digital commerce, it’s more important to keep up with your customers than it is to keep up with the competition. If your eCommerce site doesn’t run as quickly and as reliably as online buyers expect, the only things your business will experience are...
Unilog on the Leading Edge of eCommerce Infrastructure
Unilog recently upgraded its CIMM2 hosting and deployment infrastructure to include Kubernetes Container Orchestration, an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. While this may sound highly technical...
Open the Door for More Buyers: Offer an Online Payment Gateway
The tides are changing. Purchase orders and invoicing – once considered the customary methods for B2B buyer and distributor transactions – are taking a backseat to alternate payment options. According to Forrester research, 50% of B2B buyers now prefer to pay...
Protecting your eCommerce Site from Frauds
Over the past year the number of attacks and the occurrence of frauds over the internet have greatly increased. Individuals and organizations need to make sure that their data is secure by establishing practices that minimize risk. This is especially important for...
Of shopping carts and bleeding hearts!
Whole of last week, the internet was abuzz with the “Heartbleed” bug. It even had its own logo! The Heartbleed bug is a security hole in the popular OpenSSL software which is used for securing most of the internet’s traffic. This security vulnerability has been around...