The Internet continues to become a more integral part of our daily life. It helps us find products and services, voice our opinions and provide feedback, and learn what’s going on in the world. We especially like using the Internet when we can easily find what we’re...
3 Must-Haves Distributors Need to Swim with the Big Fish
Consumer retailers have had a big fish swimming in their small pond for quite some time now. This enormous creature, called Amazon, has wreaked havoc on the B2C marketplace by chasing away many smaller fish and, worse, eating up and spitting out others. Now it has now...
What’s Better Than Increasing Site Traffic? Increasing AOV
Every company has key performance indicators, or KPIs, to help them measure how effective they are at achieving their business objectives. In eCommerce, those KPIs generally include measuring the number of visitors to a site and the rate of converting a visit to a...
Build a Clear Path to Your Products Online with Good Taxonomy
It may sound like a highly scientific term, but taxonomy is actually a pretty simple concept when it comes to eCommerce: it involves creating a logical classification of products and their characteristics so customers can easily shop for and find them in your online...
4 Sure-Fire Ways to Fail in B2B eCommerce
Looking to make the leap into eCommerce? Many B2B companies like yours are jumping into the digital commerce market because their customers are asking for it, the technology is attainable and, frankly, the competition is already there. With researchers projecting that...
Plan and Prepare for Your eCommerce Journey
Is your company ready to offer an online shopping experience for its customers? Before you begin the arduous but worthwhile journey to create an eCommerce site, make sure you’ve got your trip planned, your preparations made and the right platform and partner on board....
B2B is different – Strategies to use these differences to your benefit
We had recently written about how B2B is on a path for fast track growth . While most of the B2C eCommerce strategies are valid for B2B, there are fundamental differences that one should be aware for – for example, the sales cycle and the decision making process are...
Preparing your B2B business for mobile commerce?
Mobile commerce, according to various industry reports, is growing at phenomenal rates. Read our earlier blog on this topic – here. While mobile commerce no doubt holds promise, what is the impact on B2B eCommerce business? Will it play a significant role or is it...
Why Omni-Channel Strategy in eCommerce?
As an eCommerce vendor, you are sure to have a presence across various marketing channels like websites, smart phones, tablets, social networking etc. Is this enough to attract and retain customers? What Omni channel strategy is most likely to succeed? Here is an...