Digital commerce has transformed the U.S. wholesale distribution marketplace. As more businesses implement eCommerce channels to meet the demands of their tech-savvy buyers, B2B online sales continue to climb. Digital Commerce 360’s 2019 U.S. B2B eCommerce Market Report states that B2B digital sales grew 11% in 2018 to reach $1.08 trillion. Forrester believes its upward trajectory will continue to soar, and predicts B2B eCommerce will reach $1.8 trillion and account for 17% of all B2B sales in the U.S. by 2023.
If you are a forward-thinking manufacturer or distributor that has invested in a digital sales channel, you have already taken a big step in the right direction. The next step in your digital journey is to mine the rich data that comes from your site, examine it, and then use that insight to make better business decisions that will accelerate your ROI. Without properly tracking and measuring data on your website, you will never have a good gauge of your site’s performance nor will you know just how profitable your site can be to your organization.
Every time Unilog implements a website for a customer, we stress the importance of collecting data and using analytics tools to measure the site’s effectiveness. But more times than not, the abundance of data remains untouched. Why? Some realize the advantages of analytics but cannot get their organizations’ decision makers to agree to the investment needed to support their efforts. Others feel their ERP system provides a clear enough picture of their website sales, and they do not need additional analytics tools. While it’s true your ERP will tell you your transactions and revenue, what it will not tell you what is driving that revenue. An ERP is not going to show you opportunities lost from bouncing users or a broken site’s search engine. It is not going to tell you if buyers are shopping your site and then calling the local branch to execute the order. It’s not going to identify that the shipping step is causing the most fallouts in the sales funnel, but with a proper analytics package, all these questions can be easily answered.
If you need help gaining executive buy-in, are an analytics skeptic, or are simply unfamiliar with analytics, you’ll want to read on. This white paper demonstrates the usability, customization, and power Google Analytics can offer your business and, through detailed process steps, shows you how to obtain a more accurate view of your customers’ behaviors and site performance. With the help of digital marketing and analytics expert, Chris Jones, we will show how to build a case for investing in better analytics tools and illustrate how, unlike your ERP, Google Analytics pinpoints the drivers behind your web sales.
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