The B2B digital commerce landscape continues to evolve into a buyer-centric and omnichannel environment with a much wider and competitive playing field. While some organizations have employed a solid plan to create online channel growth and a better user experience, others are lacking when it comes to any type of eCommerce strategy.
Unilog conducted a survey of more than 250 small to mid-sized distributors/wholesalers and manufacturers to learn about their forays into eCommerce, their current and long-term strategies, and what they feel are the biggest threats to their business. The results proved both enlightening and shocking. In this Annual B2B Digital Commerce Report, we break down their responses and provide insight around our findings to give readers a solid benchmark of the current B2B eCommerce marketplace.
As a digital commerce solutions and service provider for more than 15 years, Unilog has gained great insight into the B2B marketplace as we’ve helped hundreds of distributors and manufacturers make the leap to a digital branch. While some businesses are eager to add an eCommerce site, others are simply trying to keep up with the competition.
Unilog’s 2018 B2B Digital Commerce Survey gave us a chance to see where organizations stand when it comes to eCommerce and understand their path for the future. We received a great response to the survey, which featured questions around four main topics:
- Implementation and viability of their eCommerce sites
- Biggest threats to their business
- Current eCommerce strategies
- Future focus areas
Read on as we uncover our results, provide insight from Unilog leaders, and reveal a few “aha” moments along the way.
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