If you’re building an eCommerce strategy this year, or are reviewing your existing strategy, it’s the perfect time to consider if emerging technology trends can help you achieve your goals. Digital commerce has changed the dynamics of the B2B marketplace, causing...
Delaying the eCommerce Project is Costing You Money
Each day your business is not selling online is another day of lost opportunities. That’s because while you continue to contemplate an eCommerce site, your competition with an online presence is luring away your existing customers while attracting new ones. eCommerce...
Diverse Business Models and Strategies Make eCommerce a Viable Tool for Many
Buyers have made it clear: they would rather make a purchase online than wander through aisles of merchandise or speak with order takers. Businesses have seen these online buying trends and, as a result, many are joining the eCommerce marketplace – from local grocers...
13 Effective B2B Marketing Strategies for eCommerce
In the competitive world of B2B giants, it can be difficult for startup or mid-size eCommerce companies to develop the right B2B marketing strategies to remain competitive. In this blog post, we are going to share some efficient marketing strategies for the...
12 B2B eCommerce Trends to Follow in 2018
eCommerce growth constantly brings new B2B eCommerce trends, which generally change from year to year based on new technology and what businesses are looking for. In this post, we are going to discuss some hot eCommerce trends in the B2B eCommerce market that you...
Interview with an SEO Pro: Important Trends and Tips Every Distributor Needs to Know
We recently spoke with Nick Eubanks, Founder and CEO of I’m From the Future, to discuss the latest in SEO trends and learn what B2B companies can do to improve their website page rankings. As a technical SEO partner for B2B and B2C organizations, Nick and his team at...
Displaying Pricing on Your Website: How Transparent Should You Be?
Thanks to the Internet, people have developed an increasing desire for information. Particularly for consumers, the information superhighway has made it easier to gather information so they can make smarter, more informed purchasing decisions. B2B buyers are no...
5 B2B Commerce Trends That Are Sure Bets in 2018
As predicted, the B2B commerce landscape has transformed and distributors are now providing online storefronts that give buyers the opportunity to research, shop and purchase products more independently and efficiently. But eCommerce is continually evolving;...
For Greater Reach and Engagement, Go Viral with Video
This digital world continues to shift people’s behavior: from the way they communicate and do business to how they purchase goods and services. This technological shift has had an even greater impact on the wholesale marketplace. Distributors are realizing an...
CIMM2 Users: Build Stellar Product Catalogs with Our New InDesign Print Catalog Plug-In
Unilog customers have a new tool to add to their digital marketing toolkit: an InDesign print catalog plug-in that lets them create custom, printable product catalogs and sales flyers directly through their CIMM2 platform. Our newly released plug-in takes advantage of...