We are delighted to announce our new data enrichment practice based on Google’s ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) concept. Our blog (https://unilogcorp.com/blog/shopping-in-the-digital-age-and-zmot) and whitepaper (https://unilogcorp.com/pdf/ZMOT_WP.pdf) on ZMOT explain how...
Google Trusted Store – Symbol of Trust
Online shopping is on an astounding ascent solely because of the increasing mobility of shoppers. At least 81% of internet users have researched a product online and 66% have bought a product online (http://visual.ly/online-shopping-statistics). And, since this is an...
Shopping in the digital age and ZMOT
Smart devices and their allies are heralding a wave 0f changes in shopping by allowing the potential buyers to understand the brand or product thoroughly before stepping into a store (brick and mortar or online). Traditionally, a consumer would stroll into a store,...